Take your business at your pace. Browse my course library here.
Camilla is a mum of 2 and works part-time as a receptionist in a local office. She’s always wanted to start her own business (in fact, she dabbles in it when she has a spare minute) but whenever she thinks about websites, marketing and everything else she believes business building to be, she closes the lid of her laptop and decides that her receptionist job isn’t THAT bad after all and forgets about it. Well... until the next time that is. Camilla needs CLARITY CLASS, and if this story sounds familiar, you do too. Learn more & sign up by clicking below.
Clarity Class
The nuts and bolts of online business strategy & beyond. 9 in-depth modules to support you in BUILDING your business.
Amanda would love to work for herself. However, as embarrassing as it continually sounds to her, she doesn’t REALLY know exactly what she wants to do with her life. She’s spent so long helping other people – her family, and in her job, that the idea of doing something purely for herself almost feels selfish. But she knows deep down that’s not true. She just needs some direction and ideas which will help her fully step into what she’s made for. Amanda needs to AWAKEN and if it sounds as though I’m describing you, you do too. Learn more about Awaken by clicking below.
21 days to address to address the calling on your life so that you finally own who and Whose you are and live it out in fullness.
Brianna works from home full time in her business. She’s had a steady stream of clients for a while, but recently, things have come to a standstill. She has no idea what to do next because as far as she’s concerned, she’s doing it all already. She knows mindset is key is principle, but behind closed doors she rolls her eyes at talk like that and waits for the next strategy or system to pop up. She feels better with structure like that. Except, now she’s wondering if she really does after all, because business is certainly NOT booming. Brianna needs BUILDING BEYOND THE BUILDING and if you’re tired of doing ‘everything’ and receiving nothing, you do too. Learn more and sign up by clicking below.
Building Beyond the Building
Six key components in SCALING a successful, Biblical business. 20+ workbooks & 6 powerful video trainings previously all hosted in a 6-month private mastermind.
Lisa has a business she loves. But if she’s honest, she’s worried it’s more of a hobby or passion project. That’s how Lisa started, but recently she’s realised that it’s actually so much more than that. It’s not that she NEEDS the money in order to pay her family’s bills, but that’s not the point. She knows how successful this business could be if she decided to step up and take it seriously as opposed to hanging out in hobby status. She’s ready to go all in but she needs a nudge in the right direction. Lisa is a LEADING LADY and now that she knows it, she’s diving into the course. You should be too. Click below to learn more.
Leading Lady
3 weeks of ‘centre stage’ shifts in mindset, messaging and mission so that you truly show up as the carrier of your God-given calling powerfully, both inside and out.
Simone has been working her to get her business off of the ground and she’s seen some real traction booking out her 1:1 program. She’s been working on an idea for a great sounding group program which she’s just about ready to launch but she’s questioning whether or not she’s got a big enough audience, how long her launch should be and what the best way to begin would be. She’s been asking these questions for so long now though that she’s worried that she’s just procrastinating. She needs to STOP STALLING, and if you’ve got a program you’re procrastinating on, you do too. Click below to learn more.
Stop Stalling Bootcamp
Four hours of training AND implementation for the woman who is...
🚀 READY TO LAUNCH 🚀 her first or next program/product/service and wants to do it ASAP.
Sarah is beyond excited about her God-given mission and vision. She’s been working on it for the past year or so alongside her regular job. Her regular job is definitely not something she enjoys. She spends her lunch breaks working on her business and daydreams about it the rest of the time. Sarah would do anything to fully commit to what she’s been called to full time, but her business just isn’t making enough income for her to justify that decision. If she started seeing a more steady stream of clients, she’d be out of her 9-5 right away. What Sarah needs is SALES SUCCESS, and if her situation sounds like yours, you do too. Click below to learn more about the course.
Sales Success
Share your services and make consistent sales without the struggle.
Ali has been in business for years. Most of the work she’s done has been in the offline space. She’s been pretty successful with her services. Recently though, she’s created a course which she wants to get out into the online space. The thing is, she’s never properly used Facebook beyond her own personal profile. But with over 2 billion people on Facebook, she knows that that’s where her online course needs to be shared. If only she understood where to start. Ali is ready for ALL THINGS FACEBOOK and if you want to get your work out on biggest online platform going, you do too. Click below to learn more about All Things Facebook.
All Things Facebook
4-part mini course on all things Facebook from the difference between using groups and pages all the way to paid ads with conversions at a dollar!