Because 'winging it' isn't actually a business plan...
You’ve set up a blog. You’ve even purchased your domain name. You've flirted with the idea of ‘promoting’ yourself on Facebook here and there… and then suddenly you had a brief moment of panic. "Now what?" you’re nervously wondering to yourself as all hope and promise drains from your fingertips and leaves your keyboard untouched for another six months...
Your God-sized goals are way too big to keep putting off like this, lovely. It’s time to get to work.
Introducing… Clarity Class – Your fast-track ticket to a bespoke business blueprint
No more trying to piece things together on your own.
No more freebie overwhelm.
No more ‘ah ha’ moments without action.
Just imagine your next Monday morning feeling totally different to the way it ever has before. A Monday morning where you wake up to email notifications of passive income sales from the night before. You're not rushing to a 9-5 somewhere, you're looking forward to a day of client calls and meetings. You've got hot coffee on tap - not that lukewarm swig you used settle for as you run out of the door to catch the train.
Picture a moment you’ll mark for the rest of your life. That point where you draw a line in the sand and just know things will be different now that you’ve finally built up the nerve to start pursuing the plans God has called you to live out. Imagine not only feeling ready to finally walk in your worth, imagine actually doing it because now you finally know how.
Hey, I’m Naomi and my 'zone of genius' is teaching you to walk confidently in yours.
I taught in high schools for seven years, but the honest truth is that although I knew that teaching was my 'thing', it was only half of the story.
The frustration and lack of fulfillment I felt standing at the front of a classroom wasn't because I hadn't been created to teach.
The tears I cried before leaving my house some days weren't because I hadn't been designed to educate people with information set to shape their futures.
And the passion which would be ignited when I (sporadically!) wrote blog posts and shared videos on YouTube and the way I felt when I pioneered & led ministries, volunteered at youth & women's groups and was able to be open about my faith, began to open me up to a world I knew wanted more of.
Finally, God made the decision for me when I was laid off after seven years in the teaching profession. (Perhaps He was tired of me stalling and clinging to my 9-5 'comfort')...
You’d think this was my green light. But to be perfectly honest, for the first six months of my post-teaching life I did barely anything when I wasn’t serving at church (my husband and I had been asked to join the staff team of a new one, he was now Community Minister and I had thankfully been offered a part-time role there too). I mean, I did the laundry and I cooked dinner… but I also watched A LOT of Pretty Little Liars.
I suddenly had all of this time to step into who I truly was. I could finally take my five year old, hobby status blog and turn it into something bigger and better. I finally had an opportunity to action all of the ideas which flowed through me...
and yet, no idea where to begin.
I kept letting myself believe that even though I had the space to, if I went after my hopes and dreams, I’d be judged, that my ego wouldn't be able to handle the hushed conversations behind closed doors...
And I was still hung up on the fact that something which came so naturally to me - writing, speaking, teaching & mobilising people to LIVE OUT the truth of God's Word rather than just read about it, was far too 'fun' to be my full-time work.
I didn't know who to turn to or where to look for advice. I feared the unknown. I feared taking action. I desperately wanted a plan but classroom teaching was pretty much all I'd known.
So, I kept procrastinating.
Until I was faced with the reality that for me, staying stagnant, stifled and suppressed was going to be a lot scarier than doing anything to try and change my circumstances.
I’d heard about coaching a few months before and although I was skeptical, I had signed up to a few high-level coaches’ freebies.
So I ignored them, most of the time.
But then i realised that i still hadn't moved from 'ah ha' to action, and if i actually wanted this to work, i was going to have to take my purpose-driven vision a lot more seriously.
I’ve always been quite tech-savvy. I built my church's website and have had my own blog for seven years. I’d been online with my first website for years too. However, teaching drained me of time and energy and I’d never gotten around to do anything with it besides a blog post here and a video there. I was always too overwhelmed with options to know what to do next, even if I'd wanted to.
I didn't have a strategy and so i stayed stuck at blogger status for far too long.
One day though, after getting off the phone to my coach, I recognised that all I'd needed all along was a plan. Of course I did! The best lessons I ever produced as a teacher were the ones with clear and obvious plans. Those were the lessons where my students shone. Planning for business was no exception.
What I'd soon created for myself was the plan... what i'd needed all along was the blueprint.
With the plan I'd needed all along, I soon saw speedy success in building my business. In fact, in just 8 short months starting at hobby status all whilst working a part-time job, I had managed to achieve:
Moved from blogger of five years to business owner with the launch of two devotional e-books.
Created and launched my first ever e-course and filled it with 30+ women from all over the world.
Built an incredible community of faith-filled entrepreneurs which grows daily.
Booked consistent 1:1 clients who get amazing results every single month (I was actually fully booked for a couple of months!)
Launched a live round of Clarity Class and filled it with amazing purpose-driven women who are ready to change the world (you'll read about their success below.)
Left my part-time job and started working as full time CEO of my own business (May 2017 I went full time!)
And here's the thing... It's so possible for you too!
I know without a shadow of a doubt that if you're reading this, you're called to extraordinary things and that no matter how overwhelmed you're feeling with everything right now, it can absolutely get better, and quickly! I'm passionate about equipping women with the tools and strategies they need to build businesses they never thought possible.
I know that you're capable, I know that you have it on the inside of you. I know that impacting the world is what you have been created for.
I also know that you need a plan in place to get yourself moving. And that's where I come in...
Since the end of 2016, I have worked with women from all over the world and help them to create and scale businesses they LOVE. You'll get to hear from some of them below.
Clarity Class is where I'm sharing EVERYTHING - I'm telling you exactly what I did to move from hobby status blogger and part time employee to full time business owner. NOTHING will be left out!
Lovely, I know you've had enough of sitting on the sidelines. I know that as you read my story, something began to stir in your heart. Because the truth is, God's reserved you a front row seat you're currently not occupying and I'm here to show you how to get there.
Clarity Class is a powerful self-study programme which will help you take your business from hobby status to the real deal.
Clarity Class will give you the answers you’ve been searching through endless freebies for to building and scaling a successful purpose-driven business on your terms with a plan which actually works.
Clarity Class is your strategic secret weapon with clear and defined action steps to support you in building and scaling your heart-centered business step by step, leading you to income and impact.
Love from previous Clarity Class students
Let’s break down this blueprint, shall we?
Module One: Freshers Week
That’s right, this class is no different to the regular ones you take at university (are you sensing the theme yet?) This module will help you to get your head in the right place straight away as well as getting some essential elements set up, which your future success will thank you for.
We'll cover...
Meeting your fellow success seeking sisters and working out a foolproof accountability system.
Market research
Creating mood boards which have you picturing the clients you're ready to serve from the word go.
Module Two: Mindset
Don’t roll your eyes, mindset is key when it comes to building your business. This module dives into who God says you are and what you’re capable of. So that even when you’re having a bad day, you’ll have what it takes to keep on keeping on. No more self-talk shut down. It’s time to shed that old skin and step into the spotlight.
We'll cover...
Go-to verses when you're having a day which simply isn't going your way.
Why a faith rooted, forward thinking mindset is key when building business.
How to overcome stinking thinking and pursue purpose and power like you were created to.
Journalling and how it will help you throughout the entrepreneurial journey.
Module Three: Ideal client, Content and Core message
This week dives deep into who you want to serve and why you want to serve them (we’ll already have started to explore this during fresher’s week) Once we’ve mastered your ‘who’, we’ll get to thinking about your ‘what’, as in what you’re actually going to offer your people. Of course, we’ll also be unpacking the glue which holds all of that together – your purpose-driven vision. Your ‘why’.
We'll cover...
Ideal client 101 - The people you're ready to serve are out there waiting for you already. We'll be working on specific market research plans to help you get in front of them.
Your ideal client has specific needs and wants. We'll be working out how you can ensure you're meeting them in those places and providing them with exactly what they've been waiting for.
We'll be diving deep into why you're in business. Yes, you're ready to make some income. But you're here for huge impact too, right? We'll be unpacking that and making sure your message makes sense and resonates with those who need to hear it.
Now you've got this incredible message and you know exactly who you need to speak to, the next step is about what you create and how you show up.
Module Four: Write Right
After a week of diving deep into your who, what and why, you’re going to be ready to tell the world! This module is all about what to say and how to say it - from FB ad copy all the way to the words on your website. If your messaging isn’t memorable, you and your business won’t be either.
We'll cover...
The art of story telling for business and how this is crucial in everything you say.
The different ways you need to show up and write when it comes to business.
Reviews of your current copy and live and direct feedback and editing where it's needed.
Key tips and tricks which leave your words with the wow factor and have your clients hanging on to everything you say.
Module Five: Website Wonder
Whether you’ve already got a website or you’ve had one for years, this module is important. Your website is your ‘store front’ in the online world and if the shop isn’t looking and sounding ship-shape, no one is going to want to buy from it. I’m a Squarespace circle member which means Squarespace is 100% my jam. I’ll walk you through an easy to implement website creation tutorial which will have the online space you hold standing out from the crowd.
We'll cover...
How to build a website. If you've already got one, I'll be reviewing it and looking at where we can make tweaks which will take it to the next level.
Your branded look and feel on your website and how everyone who lands on it experiences it.
What needs to be on your website and what you could do without.
Membership sites and how to host them on your very own platform! No need to find a third party platform, host your course on your very own website.
Module Six: Opt-in & Sales Funnels
Your people are starting to like what they see and hear about you and your business. They want to know more. Here’s where you give them the opportunity to ‘try before they buy’ by creating an irresistible free offer which will lead them into your paid product or service. In this module we’ll be talking CRM and automation galore.
We'll cover...
How to use Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign and which system is right for you.
Freebies! What to create to help people get to know you before they buy from you and how to create them.
How to automate your business.
What you need to be doing and saying to ensure you're leading with value in every email you write.
Module Seven: Products, Packages and Prices
We’ll get clear on what you’re selling and what you’re charging. In this module, we’ll bust through the money myths which have previously had you too scared to do or share anything which wasn’t free. We’ll explore crafting your signature offering, plus a variety of services you could offer to compliment it.
We'll cover...
How to put everything you've got to offer the world into packages so that people can easily see what you're sharing.
How to price your offerings and the range of services you need in place - including crafting your signature offering.
How to scale by generating passive income.
Module Eight: Social Media
Everyone and their mother are on Facebook. But that doesn’t mean that you turning up on their timelines saying ‘buy my stuff’ is going to get you anywhere. This module is all about strategy when it comes to social media. Where to be and what to be doing there.
We'll cover...
Facebook ads. You need them. It's as simple as that. I'll show you the ropes which have helped both me and my clients move beyond 'crickets' when it comes to conversions.
Where you need to be on social media without getting overwhelmed and wanting to throw your laptop out of the window.
The low-down on what's working with the main players (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.)
Crafting a social media strategy which is right for your business.
Module Nine: Magnetic Marketing
The blueprint is well and truly in place. Now it’s time to get strategic about how your message is heard by those who count. You’re purpose-driven and so I already know you want to lead with value in all you share. This module unpacks the various ways of doing this which will lead you to celebrating sales without feeling ‘salesy’.
We will well and truly be celebrating you and your future success. Time to crack open the champs!
We'll cover...
Not being 'salesy' when showing up in front of your ideal clients.
How to close sales conversations with confidence.
How to ensure the right people are picking up what you're putting down.
Keeping this whole system sustainable now that you're ready to fly!
Bring on the bonus...
*my entire Resource vault*
Access to all of the resources I share with my private clients. PDF workbooks, video tutorials and everything in between - We'll cover aspects of your business like creating forms and fillable PDF's, how to use Photoshop and productivity hacks which will leave you with the free time you've been craving. These resources will be added to as the wonderful world of the internet changes, so you’ll get lifetime access to any updates!
Clarity Class is your fast-track ticket to a bespoke business blueprint and we’ll mobilise your business via detailed lessons and homework (hey, I'm a teacher.) Not to mention an incredible support system formed of your fellow success-seeking sisters and feedback on everything you're saying and doing as you grow and scale your business.
You'll learn...
How to maintain a faith-focused mindset in the midst of your imminent success.
Business systems, tools and structures to set up your business for success.
How to leverage your time, talents and treasure.
Productivity hacks so that you're not spending forever in your business, neglecting the people who matter to you the most.
Pricing, packaging and pitching - how to ensure you stand out from the crowd.
Marketing made easy.
Social media strategy.
Instant access to all 9 video modules and slides (full details of what each module contains listed above).
Access to my resource vault which has previously only been made avaibale to my private clients.
... Sitting on the sidelines, stalking everyone else and stacking up freebies isn’t going to cut it any more.
It’s time to get strategic, set up and successful.
It's time to start living life on purpose.
It's time to walk into what you've been made for.
...Clarity Class is the bespoke business blueprint you’ve been waiting for.
Some more success stories from Clarity Class...
I’m in! Let’s mobilise my mission…
Here’s what happens once you click the button below...
You’ll be taken to a PayPal page where you can make your payment. On entering your details, you’ll automatically be sent an email with a link to your course plus your login information. You can get started right away! (Bring your champagne - let’s toast to your success!)
Final Thoughts...
First, hear from Dumah, a previous member of Clarity Class live who jumped on (without me knowing she was going to!) to share these amazing words about this course recently...
Success in your business really is possible, lovely. Even if right now you're spinning your wheels at hobby status, that can shift very quickly! I scaled my business after starting from scratch in just 8 short months. You've read all about my client success on this program above too.
The dissatisfaction you feel isn't meant to be suppressed - it's meant to be addressed and changed - God has SO MUCH in store.