The Universe, Manifestation and Intuition

The other day I put out a live stream about the importance of TRANSFORAMTION as opposed to conformity and it there were a few responses which made me realise that even though I talk about this quite often, it’s still not the common message out there in the online space…

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As ever, Jesus is a breath of fresh air.

In a world which has made the ‘spiritual’ acceptable and the Biblical apparently irrelevant, the word of God still stands and cuts through the noise.

But we know that’s only part of the story, right? And that actually, there’s a lot more which can be said. There’s a lot more REDEMPTION to be spoken over some of the areas of spirituality which have been wrongfully identified as ‘universe’, ‘source’ and everything in between.

Some of the words which we reject, we should actually be REDEEMING.

Let’s talk about a few of those words shall we?


But let’s start with the big one… The UNIVERSE.

Here’s how I see it (which is basically how the Bible sees it so don’t shoot the messenger)

God CREATED the universe. He spoke it into existence in fact. There’s power in the WORD OF GOD. Power which created the very thing others rely and trust in. Which means we have an opportunity to make HIS name known amidst the confusion.

Check out Hebrews 1:3 for starters…

“He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high…”

Seriously though. Doesn’t that just SCREAM of the power of God? The power which we have through The Holy Spirit? (Which is again mind blowing.) Power which can enable us NOT to shrink back when people talk about things like the universe, but instead to call it what it really is – to declare who GOD is in the midst of it all.

There’s so much more to say. (I’ll be live streaming on it later – go over and follow my biz page if you’re not already and turn notifications ON.) But for now, let’s move onto manifesting shall we?...

Because you know that God’s love is made manifest in the world, right? Which, again is another opportunity.  I know this is becoming a bit of a Bible study but there we go – it’s what’s happening. Here’s what 1 John 4:9 says –

“In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.”

The manifestation of God’s love is our life source.

Which again means that we don’t have to shy away from conversations which bring this word into the mix. Instead we can say that rather than us ‘manifesting our desires’, we PRAY in the power of the Spirit, the One who’s love has already been made manifest and dwells among us.

And so the last stop on our journey of apparent ‘woo’ words (well, until the live stream that is) is this word INTUITION…

Now while the word intuition itself isn’t mentioned in The Bible, the word discernment is and now more than ever would be a wise time to start discerning.

“but test everything; hold fast what is good.”

Is what we’re told to do in 1 Thessalonians 5:21. It’s our job to DISCERN Godly wisdom as opposed to anything spiritual which isn’t aligned with His will and His ways. This in and of itself is intuitive.

I don’t believe that being intuitive is evil in and of itself. It’s where the intuition is rooted which makes all the difference. Are we following the Holy Spirit’s leading in being intuitive when dealing with those around us?

The Bible calls us to be shrewd (Luke 16) which is in fact a synonym for intuitive and so again, before it’s a word we dismiss, why don’t we just use it properly?

Ladies, the bottom line is that the battle has been WON and we fight from victory. But our fight isn’t against flesh and blood, as we know. It’s a spiritual thing. Literally.

So let’s REDEEM what is God’s and reject what is not.

Wanna talk about this some more? Jump on LIVE with me today by heading over to my biz page HERE.

The world is waiting for your work.

Naomi AidooComment