Do you have the GIFT of not fitting in?
Can I take you on a WORLDWIDE trip real quick?
A couple of days ago I had quite a surreal experience. I was up at the crack of dawn and on my way to a train station.
Now back in my days of long commutes when I was a high school teacher, this would have been the description of any given day. But after over a year of working from home most days, this felt like a whole new world again.
Early morning and winter chill aside, I was excited. I was on my way to Oxford to visit the headquarters of CMS (Church Mission Society) as I’ve just been appointed to be one of their new trustees. Knowing some of the 200 year history of this global charitable organisation, I felt immensely privileged to have been elected onto the board and excited about what I was about to learn.
The day was information-packed. We listened to talks of what the organisation stood for and how it was founded by William Wilberforce over 200 years ago, we toured the building and got to know some of the staff team there.
One of the team said something which struck me and actually, it reminded me of you.
He heads up the pioneer ministry – training people who are branching out and sharing the Gospel in fresh and exciting ways. When describing the pioneers he said:
“They’ve been blessed with the gift of not fitting in.”
And how true that is for you and me! The leaders and entrepreneurs who are building businesses, ministries and everything in between outside of the status quo.
Have you ever wondered why the typical 9-5 doesn’t feel like it ‘fits’ you? Have you ever questioned why the ideas, dreams and visions you have don’t sound like those of your friends and family?
You too, like those mission pioneers, have been blessed with the gift of not fitting in! And it’s not meant to be a burden. It’s not meant to be suppressed and shut down. In fact, I’d say that in doing that you’re doing the wider body (the church) a disservice.
That idea which seems almost too big to comprehend? Dream bigger! That business which you just KNOW has the potential to explode? Take the next step towards it today.
I was so inspired by the work of CMS and excited at the fact I get to have a tiny bit of involvement with such a worldwide mission, that I’ve decided I really want to involve YOU!
For those of you who have been following me for a while, you’ll remember my mobilisation mission, where a percentage of my first program (and some of the ladies I’ve worked with 1:1) went towards a charity. As I re-vamp my programs and courses in preparation for the New Year, the mission has been on hold…
HOWEVER, I’ve decided to bring it back early and take you with me!
CMS have an amazing initiative for ‘Global Mission Innovators’. In fact, this is what the organisation itself says of the work:
“In keeping with its commitment to global, local and culturally relevant mission, CMS’s mission ‘pioneers’ are transforming lives from south London to Nepal and from Ukraine to Argentina, as they hand out Bibles in conflict zones, treat drug addicts, run HIV clinics and generally witness the love of Christ to those around them, in practical and spiritual ways.”
With such far-reaching, impactful and mobilising work at the helm of the mission, I wanted to find a way to give back and that’s exactly what we’re collectively going to be able to do…
For everyone who signs up for my 6-month group coaching experience ‘Building Beyond The Building’ (and for those who have already signed up), a percentage of your membership will be going DIRECTLY to CMS’s Global Mission Innovators which means that your membership now has even more meaning.
As you sign up and join, not only are you mobilising your own mission of ‘not quite fitting in’, but you’re also mobilising a worldwide organisation to do the same.
This means more impact for the Kingdom which is truly ‘beyond the building’.
Learn more about BBTB and the latest mission initiative you’ll be helping to support as you join by clicking HERE.
P.S. For more information about the work of CMS, just click HERE.