You’re hearing those messages about how you should just be you and everything else will fall into place.
But you’re still doubting it.
You’re still doubting whether or not you ARE truly enough because you don’t actually know whether or not you DO have anything to say.
You do. You just need to dig deeper.
That job you had but dismissed the learning from because you hated it? That’s experience which has brought you into the now.
That thing which you can just seem to do so easily and it’s something others aren’t as quick to pick up? Those are skills which you could be using more prominently.
But you’re still spending more time watching than you are creating and doing.
It’s almost as if you watching one more free tutorial is going to unlock what you’ve been waiting for…
And so I’ve come to you today to ask you a question.
Do you want to conform or transform?
Do you want the work you do with your clients to conform to the status quo or do you want it to be transformational?
The Bible puts it like this in Romans 12:2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Adding another fancy funnel to your skill set isn’t going to transform things for you… sure it might help, but it’s not going to be the thing which changes the game.
And aren’t you here for GAME CHANGING?
Aren’t you here to let your light shine and in so doing glorify God with the work you’re putting out in the world?
Thought so.
So that means thinking outside of the box. That means thinking differently altogether. That means MIND RENEWAL. (The Bible’s words, not mine by the way.)
It’s like the story with the new wine and old wineskins. (Matthew 9:14-17, Mark 2:21-22 and Luke 5:33-39.)
If you’re trying to bolt on a bunch of ‘new’ but your mind is still firmly stuck in ‘old’, what exactly are you hoping will change?
Today I’m going LIVE on my Facebook business page for ‘Word Wednesday’ to discuss this issue of transform vs conform and about how you just deciding one day you’re going to ‘do you’ is JUST the beginning. There’s a whole lot more work which needs to be done. But the good news is, it’s not impossible!
So join me live TODAY by liking and following my page HERE and turning your notifications on so that you know when I’m live and let’s do this. Let’s talk TRANSFORMATION and about how it’s time for you to take things to a whole new level.
If you’re one of the people who’s still on the fence about joining my 6-month coaching experience Building Beyond The Building, I really want you to ask yourself whether another free webinar or worksheet is REALLY what you need to scale, or whether actually what you’re waiting for is a program which will take you through a journey of transformation with Biblical principles and practical strategies?
There is not another program like this out there and that’s because I’ve dug DEEP and created what God has called me to create. I have no issue as to whether or not this is the ‘done thing’ or concerns about bringing God into business. In fact, it’s about time.
So what are you waiting for? Join us today by clicking HERE and you’ll automatically be grabbing a spot for our live online 4 hour boot camp which I’m running on Saturday which could have you launching something in time for Christmas.
The world is waiting for your work.
P.S. If you're ready to talk TRANSFORMATION with me today, then head on over to my Facebook business page HERE and turn on your notifications. Can't wait to see you there!