
How on earth are there only 11 days left until Christmas?! That crept up fast, right?

Now I know there are some SUPER organised people when it comes to Christmas (more on them in a minute) but I’m more of a last minute rush kinda girl... Which is why the gifts I’m giving you today require a bit of fast action on your part.

The trade off though, is that both of these gifts will ABSOLOUTELY help you to plan better come 2018. But first, a nod of appreciation for the super organised in our midst…

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A few days ago I received this gorgeous homemade card from the wonderful Melissa who has taken a number of my programs this year and has become a friend of mine. I was so touched by the obvious time and effort which had gone into making the card and it was such a joy to receive! Another pleasant surprise dropped onto my doorstep yesterday in the form of a gift from another wonderful client and friend, Kelly.

I was taken aback on a number of levels… Not only because of their organisation (although that was a lot of it haha!) but also, the sheer fact I was being sent gifts and cards from people to my London home over from The States. People I’ve worked with and connected with this year, all because I dared to dream and then decided to DO.


Gratitude for Melissa and Kelly and all my online friends and clients. And gratitude for my business.

You see, a couple of years ago I was stressed about what I meant to be doing in my life, the things I was doing weren’t fully ‘clicking’ and I wondered if I’d ever find something which was truly and fully ‘me’.

Roll on a year or two later and I was launching my first ever course (Christmas 2016) and knew that it was just the beginning.

As 2017 draws to a close, what are you feeling about your business or business to be? Was this ‘your year’? Did you intend for it to be?


If you’re reading and feeling disappointed, don’t be! God is good and the best is truly yet to come. In fact, I want to turn that frown upside down and in the spirit of Christmas and gift-giving, I’ve got some exciting things to share!

You don’t have to give up or lose heart – you can use the last few days of 2017 not only to get started, but also to PLAN for 2018 to be your best year yet!

The planner I’ve been using this year comes from the wonderful Horacio Printing and their planners and kits are absolutely STUNNING. So stunning in fact, that I want as many of you as possible to be able to have access to them! Not only are their products stunning, but so is their vision and mission. You have to check it out!

Which is why GIFT NUMBER ONE is 15% off of anything in store at Horacio Printing using the discount code ‘Naomi’.

But here’s where the fast action kicks in… TODAY is the last chance for you to guarantee delivery in time for Christmas, so get moving. Trust me, you WON’T be disappointed! Browse the store HERE and snag 15% off with code ‘Naomi’.

But before you go and grab your new planner, I want to let you in on GIFT NUMBER TWO!

As you’ll know by now, I am SO excited about my new 6-month group coaching and mastermind program ‘Building Beyond The Building’. So excited in fact, that I’ve decided that for 24 hours ONLY, I’m introducing a bonus gift! (You have Melissa and Kelly to thank…)

Previously only available to the action takers who jumped on my free training a couple of weeks ago, I’ve decided to give you access too… but the countdown is ON!

How would you like a week of 1:1 coaching support with me before 2018 even arrives?

When you sign up for BBTB in the next 24 hours, that’s exactly what you’ll get! Me and you chatting through whatever you know you need to go to the next level all via Voxer (a free walkie-talkie app similar to FB messenger) plus some guided questions, insight and journaling prompts from me, not to mention feedback on whatever you share.

Here’s what Leila had to say at the end of our week of 1:1 support …

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Still not sure what a short space of time working with me can do for your biz? Jump onto my FB business page TODAY - 6pm BST | 1pm EST | 10am PST where I’ll be chatting with my amazing client Sandra Houseman and talking through the huge shifts she’s been making in her business since we’ve been working together. Click the button below to like and follow my page and turn notifications ON so that you can tune in for some tips!

Click the button below....


The world is waiting for your work.

P.S. If you’ve jumped all the way down here, you’ve missed out on me talking about not one but TWO Christmas gifts I’ve just dropped into your inbox! Scroll back up and check out what’s on offer because in true last minute Christmas rush – you don’t have long to grab these!

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