The click of a button which changed everything...
It was that moment a year ago when I clicked ‘publish’ and I knew that everything would change. I knew at that point, that there was no other real option.
“This is what these six years online have been about”, I thought to myself. The sporadic blog posts and YouTube videos published throughout the duration of my teaching career, which then led into more disciplined slots of ‘creative time’ when I started working part-time for my church had now made a way for this.
It wasn’t perfect, but it was done.
And the reality of recognising this was no longer just a hobby, but that indeed, my hobby had been preparing me for my life’s work was quite the accomplishment and one I’m thankful to God for to this day.
It didn’t matter that my first real sale came from a dear friend.
That first sale of my first online product (a devotional e-book) helped me to realise what was possible. And like any piece of good news I get, I wanted to tell everyone about it!
About how it was possible for them too.
About how, even ifthey’d been stuck at hobby status for years like I was, it could all change with the click of a button.
About how the ‘one day’ dreams God had placed on the inside of them were there to be walked in and explored.
About how getting in our own way is what is stopping our potential in its tracks.
About how we do get to do things differently, no matter what ‘normal’ looks like.
I get that most of you reading probably know this. But I’m sat here writing to you today wondering if you know this. And with that knowledge, what the action you’re choosing to take TODAY is?
I say today because the longer we ponder, the less we’re likely to leap.
It all starts with a decision. A decision which commands action. A decision which reminds your subconscious that you are absolutely no longer available for some half-hearted attempt at pursuing the dreams you’ve continually put off and that today means something different.
Because no one is going to take you seriously until you start taking you seriously.
And how easy do you find that?
I only ask because I published my first blog post in 2011 and didn’t take any consistent or direct action with it until January 2016. During that month, I sent out an (at least 1500 words each email) daily devotional to my double digit list every. single. day. Mostly to prove to myself that I could.
And I did.
Of course I did. Because it always starts with a decision and I was no longer settling for false promises or setting myself up to fail.
The few wonderful people who read that work back then sent me emails of thanks, messages of how God was speaking directly to what they were facing that day and more. And that was like an added bonus and blessing to me. Because I knew that (maybe selfishly) the real reason I had to get that work out there was to remind myself that when I’m led by the Holy Spirit, I truly can do whatever I put my heart and mind to. More important than the precious emails of thanks and the messages of joy were those first steps of obedience and in those 30 days throughout January 2016, God saw that I was ready to take them.
Are you?
Are you still telling yourself that this business venture and call on your life is simply ‘something you’ll get around to’? If that’s the case, I hate to break it to you, but it could be another five years before you start taking serious action. I’m speaking from experience and it’s an experience I’d love for you to learn something from.
What are you deciding is going to be different TODAY?
We’re now less than 90 days away from the end of the year. What action are you committed to taking in order to take the first or next step in the direction of your dreams?
If you’re still unsure, I have something which will support you in moving forward. Last month, I journeyed with some wonderful women LIVE through a 21 day process of AWAKENING their soul’s call and eliminating the obstacles which are preventing them from stepping into all God has for them. There were mindset shifts which led to increased confidence, fresh excitement and even new clients.
And now it’s available to you as a self-study program.
With digestible daily video training (between 10-25 minutes long each day) and action steps for each day of the program, in 21 days (and even sooner) you’ll be invigorated to more fervently address the call on your life and more passionately pursue your purpose.