I try not to make a habit of this but I must confess, I’ve told you a teeny, tiny white lie.
I preach to anyone who will listen about ‘stopping the should’ and only doing what works for you.
But I left out some of it.
There’s a should after all… albeit a small one. But yea, it’s there. What’s more, it’s Biblical.
Because yes, you SHOULD absolutely walk out the work God has for you to do on this earth.
You should, you should, you should.
Typically people respond to this in a few different ways.
The first is to go into some mad frenzy of work and survive each day on 7 mugs of coffee and an energy bar because “stopping means slacking” and “sleep is for suckers.” Or something like that.
The next is to shrink back from responsibility and do EVERY OTHER THING but the work God’s called you to because resistance is real and so another round of laundry never looked so good.
Neither of these options are going to cut it. And not because God is waiting for some moment to punish you or something because you ‘didn’t get your work done’. He’s not some angry teacher. He’s your good, good Father.
Which means that the work you’re resisting? It’s there for your good. Not at the neglect of your health, your relationships and your sanity, though of course.
So now there’s this tension, right?
Do the work because God is calling you to it. But don’t get so sucked into it that you kind of ‘forget to shower’ and your husband finds you asleep in front of your laptop at 3am for the fourth day in a row. (#ThisIsNeverAGoodLook)
So what DOES it all mean? How do we do the work we SHOULD be doing because it’s been mapped out for us by our Maker, whilst simultaneously holding onto grace and freedom, which is also so freely given?
Well, yesterday, I jumped onto my FB business page for Word Wednesday and I shared some truth about works, grace responsibility and rest. You can check it out HERE or by clicking the image below.
Oh! And don’t forget that if you haven’t signed up for tomorrow’s FREE training on how to THRIVE online with your UNIQUE gifts, skills and talents, you can do that HERE with one click.
The world is waiting for your work.