Everlasting Arms
It’s my nephew’s first day of nursery today which is super sweet.
I saw my parents at the weekend and my dad was talking to me about how he thinks my nephew will get on and he said something pretty profound…
“As soon as he realises he’ll be picked up every day and he hasn’t been abandoned or anything, he can just get on and enjoy playing.”
Now at first glance you might think that my standards have gone out of the window and that this isn’t actually very profound at all.
But it got me thinking about our journey with God – how we navigate this relationship of twists and turns, fear and joy.
Because at first it can seem scary. Especially if you’re launching into the world of following the call on your life, pursuing your God-given dreams and even building a business. You’re going against the grain, you’re doing what isn’t the ‘done’ thing, and you’re no longer available for plan B.
And so at first you might feel like you’ve just been dropped off into this unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people and now you’re going to have to stay there.
But soon enough you’ll pick up a toy or two, start interacting with the others and realise it’s actually pretty fun, especially when you realise that your heavenly Father is just a call away and you’re never going to be abandoned and left in the unfamiliar.
And it’s from that place of trust where we truly thrive.
Trusting that where we’ve been planted is good for us.
Trusting that we’re not going to be ‘left behind’.
Trusting that we are always looked after and provided for.
“The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms…”
(Deuteronomy 33:27a)
I’ve always loved this verse and was reminded of it with this picture of being somewhere unfamiliar. Seemingly ‘dropped off’ in an environment we’re yet to navigate or familiarise ourselves with.
And yet, the everlasting arms are ever present, even if they’re ‘beneath’ and seemingly unseen.
We’re never alone, even if and when we think we are.
We’re never alone, even if where we find our feet is unfamiliar.
We’re never alone.
The sooner we realise that, wherever it is that we find ourselves, the sooner we can get on and play.