What if the answer is no?
Whenever I share a post which features me and my husband, it gets more reactions and comments etc… I always find it funny. But actually, I totally get it. I’m the same with everyone else when they’re sharing their loved ones too.
Because as humans we love love. As Christians we’re created in the image of the one who IS love.
I shared yesterday about how I was thankful for my hubby believing in me enough to pursue my dreams. There’s another side too though which I’m equally thankful for.
Sometimes he says no.
And I trust the yes and I trust the no equally.
Some people squirm at the idea of almost ‘asking permission’ to invest. Personally, it’s not permission as such, but rather us being a partnership and talking through serious matters which happen in our lives.
I’m thankful to have a business where smaller purchases aren’t really a talking point between us, but sometimes when I’ve wanted to invest in something for my biz which comes with a bigger price tag and have spoken to my husband about it, he’s said that the time isn’t right or it wouldn’t be wise and I’ve trusted that because I trust him.
I say all of this to say that the all or nothing can SOMETIMES be a dangerous place to dwell.
And I highlight the sometimes because I can often find myself dwelling there.
With my husband being a business owner too, he understands that SOMETIMES you just dive in, you hire the coach, you run the ads, you do #allthethings because you just need to if you want to take yourself and your business to the next level.
But you can’t live in that place all the time.
Going all out, almost burning out and then going silent for months because you’ve ‘achieved your goal’ whether that’s making sales, filling your webinar or whatever might be great for you but it isn’t really serving anyone else.
Often it’s consistency which pays off best.
Consistency at home so that you’re not 24/7 at your laptop or phone to the detriment of the loved ones around you who are craving your time and attention.
Consistency in your business so you don’t burn out in ‘launch season’ and have your potential clients raising their eyebrows when they seem to only ever hear from you at particular times of the year.
Which is why I teach both. For life AND business. In fact, my hubby will be teaching some of it with me in my 6-month coaching program BBTB.
It’s also why I treated myself to a couple of little Christmas gifts yesterday.
Don’t worry I’m not switching off for 2018 haha! Far from it in fact.
But I’m learning more about the rhythms of life and business, the being okay to totally switch off in order to spend time with people properly (not slyly checking my phone every few minutes) and LOVING that. In fact, it only helps my business because it means I work from overflow and not forced ‘have to’ stuff. I’m teaching more of these principles with my clients and program members too.
I’m also learning more about gratitude. For the life God’s allowed me to create – the one He’d been preparing me for all along. Plus the loved ones I have around me who encourage and support me. I want to do more of that for them this New Year too.
Gratitude is huge for me. I’m what you might call an ‘achiever’ as in, I can achieve something EPIC (like being able to leave my 9-5 within 6 months of starting my business and go into it full time) and not really bat an eyelid.
I don’t take enough time to pause and give thanks. Can you relate?
Which brings it right back around to consistency.
Ecclesiastes 3 talks about consistency in a lot of ways when it talks about there being a time for everything. So true.
Consistency makes for a better business AND a better life.
In fact, you might have missed it but my client Sandra and I were talking about just that last week. Did you miss it? Click HERE to watch our interview.
But before you head there and learn how you CAN go from burned out Netflix binges to making sales with ease, I want to let you know that if consistency is truly something keeping you from taking your biz to the next level, I want to support you in that!
Over in the BBTB sisterhood tomorrow (23rd December), I'm hosting our first BBTB orientation training all about consistency and how to keep going even when you feel as though your posts aren't getting any love or you just want to unplug but feel you can't. If you know you need this training and want it LIVE so that you can ask your burning questions, join us in BBTB by clicking HERE.
The super-affordable extended payment plan I offered you at the start of the week means that you joining now won't affect your Christmas shopping whatsoever and because you'll be paying that same amount for the whole 10 months - Just think about all that you'll do with the extra cash after Christmas! #GameChanger
Can't wait to see you in BBTB, lovely.
The world is waiting for your work.
P.S. I’m all about habit creating, consistency and building a brand and business which works for your LIFE which is why I'm hosting a bonus orientation training for my BBTB ladies and so if you’ve been on the fence about joining, now’s the time to jump off and jump in. As well as answering your questions, I’ll be teaching on some key topics which come up when it comes to consistency in business building and beyond and why the work/rest balance is ESSENTIAL if you want to ensure success. I knew I HAD to do this training before Christmas because I know that even though we feel as though we should ‘switch off’, we find it difficult to actually do it. Click HERE to join us today and get in on this training tomorrow!