Business success? Here's what it REALLY takes...

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Listen, I’m all for big goals – HUGE goals in fact. The truth is, my journal is absolutely full of them. And not in a ‘pie in the sky’ type of way either. I’m certain I’ll meet them in due time.

But please just allow me to climb my soap box really quickly and share a couple of home truths I think some of us tend to miss here…

It’s ever so slightly presumptuous to decide that you’re going to start a business in an area you’ve never really had any experience in before and that in your first few days you’re going to make your millions.

If that’s where you’re starting out, you’re overlooking the most crucial piece to the entire puzzle. You’re missing the piece which is all about the fact that you’ve got something to share with the world, a passion which burns so brightly that you’d do it even if you WEREN’T going to be paid for it…

I’m right, right?

I’m right in believing that you’ve got that? The work which you just KNOW people need to hear about, understand, and step into. The stuff which you just want to share with people over and over again until they get it. You’ve got that work, haven’t you?

Because honestly, the greatest tip for success that I can give you is to start with that and share it without considering the price tag for a second.

Now, don’t hear what I’m not saying. Don’t hear me saying that you should only ever do everything you do for completely free. You won’t have a business if that’s the case – you’ll have a hobby. But if you’re bursting onto the scene telling me that $10k months are yours and I literally have no idea how you support people, how you serve them, and how you provide them with an answer to their problems in your particular sphere of influence – your priorities are in the wrong order.

I know you’ve got bills to pay, a family to raise and dreams to build, but so has everyone else, and the truth is that people are only going to consider parting with their pay checks to pay yours when they’re sure that you’re the person who can truly help them.

And do you know where that begins?

It begins with OWNING that you truly are who your well-written bio makes you out to be.

Self-depreciation and false humility aren’t going to cut it here. If you’re the pro in your field – tell me about it. If I need help in your particular area, I want to know where those people are from whom this stuff is literally a PART of them.

It’s okay for you to tell me about how much you’ve made and how many fancy holidays you have if that’s your jam. But actually, what I need is your wisdom, your expertise and an understanding about how any of that is going to help ME.

So yes, THAT is going to take you stepping up and stepping into it.

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I started out in the online space in 2011 and made zero money. Admittedly that’s because I wasn’t selling anything at the time. But the reason I stepped into cyber world? That’s because I had a message I needed to share.

Cue blog posts, YouTube videos, badly designed websites, live spoken word performances (more on that another time!) not to mention countless women’s groups, youth Bible studies and everything in between.

All of those hours were an overflow of PASSION and excitement to get that same passion out into the world – to remind women of the importance, no… the crucial-ness (yep, now I’m making up words) of them walking in their worth.

That’s all I want to tell people to do now too.

My first course was literally all about that. It was 8-weeks long and I did multiple live videos in a private group a week, had audio and workbook content and I charged about £25 a person. The ‘gurus’ would have told me I was underselling myself and told me I had a scarcity mindset around pricing my work properly. The truth? I was amazed and humbled by the fact that anyone would actually PAY for what I’d been doing for free for over 5 years. THAT is where it started for me.

Now, almost 2.5 years later, this IS my work – the work I do full-time and earn money from. But don’t for a second suppose that this was some ‘overnight success story’. Not for a second.

Listen, if you need to work a part-time job while you get your passion out into the world – do it (I did exactly that at first). If you’re cool with using any savings you might have as a buffer while you get yourself going – do it… WHATEVER you do though, DO NOT QUIT when your ‘big money months’ don’t start rolling in after 90-days.

The honest truth is that if you’ve got a message, a passion, a gift (which I believe everyone does – however deep it’s buried) it’s your duty and your CALLING to share it.

What you ACTUALLY need is the COURAGE to own it, the CONFIDENCE to walk it out every single day even (and especially) when you feel like ‘it’s not working’, and the CAPABILITY to put all of that passion into programs and packages which other people want and need and will therefore be willing to pay for.

That’s what I’m committed to supporting you in doing.

Ever since the release of that course back in 2016, women have asked me how I’ve been able to do it. The how is everything I’ve just spent almost 1000 words writing and so if that’s all the answer you’ve needed, take it and I hope I see you stepping up and owning who and Whose you are in your life and work ASAP.

The world is waiting for your work!

By the way… If you know you’re ready to finally draw a line in the sand as far as hanging out at hobby status or side hustle goes, I have just the thing. My ‘What’s in Your Hand’ live workshop has been created to empower you with the skillset and mindset you need in order to bring your God-given mission to life using the very gifts, skills & talents you already possess. You’ll walk away with a 4-week action plan and will be ready to get going immediately. To learn more and to register for next week’s workshop, click HERE.

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