It was a huge risk to use money we didn’t have to do something I’d never done before. But my lack of purpose despite such an inner sense I was made for more was causing my mind and emotions to sink lower and lower day by day. I’m a Teacher by trade and have pioneered a number of women’s and youth ministries over the years but yet I couldn’t seem to hold MYSELF accountable to the things I said I wanted. Isn’t that always the way?
Well, I figured it was time to practice what I preached and so, with accountability and action steps on my side, I officially went into business in October 2016 with the selling of my first ever e-book which had previously just been collecting dust on my laptop, shortly followed by the launch of my first ever e-course in December 2016.
The success of the e-course (which was filled with over 30 women from all over the world – The U.S.A, Canada, Australia and here in England) and the questions I started getting asked about whether I was available to work with women one on one birthed something in me which was a perfect culmination of my professional life & qualification as a Teacher, my heart to serve, care for and equip as a mentor & pioneer with 10+ years on ministry experience alongside my years of experience in the online space.
My Business Coaching services were born.
Since then, I’ve coached women one on one, launched a number of successful group programs and run a monthly membership community.
I do this because it’s my turn to give back. Because if you and I were sitting down for coffee or a glass of wine together right now I wouldn’t want to leave until I’d helped you realise the more you were made for and mobilised you with a plan to walk it out.