#4. Marketing and Mobilisation

4A. Facebook Ads

Elsewhere in the suite, you've uncovered some powerful ways to show up on social media organically. You've no doubt heard that in order to scale your purpose-driven business, Facebook Ads are the most powerful way to do so. Click below to watch my 40 minute Facebook Ads tutorial, which will help you set up your ads at every step. 


4B. Sales Funnel and Opt-In

Once your ideal client has signed up for your juicy free offer, you'll need to add value by nurturing through a series of emails which will build the know, like and trust factor, add value, and eventually lead to one of your paid offers or booking a discovery call with you.

Click on the iPad below to download my comprehensive guide to building your sales funnel complete with my own examples PLUS links to my video tutorials which show you how to set up your funnel in Mailchimp and Activecampaign.