If it's feeling scary...

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You know when you’re trying to find a positive way to say something and yet the same slightly negatively tinted phrase comes out? That’s what’s going on for me today.

Except, it’s all about PERSPECTIVE and it’s not actually going to be negative AT ALL if you’re looking at it the way I am.

The thing is, I don’t think you should start a business.


I don’t think you should start a business if you’ve looked at the headlines and the photos and the Instagram squares and thought to yourself that this is what you want for your life.

If, for you, the benefits come before the heart behind why you’re showing up, I honestly can’t help you.

As in, I could throw you a couple of techniques which will help you to sell and some messaging strategy which will have you writing great copy. But if you’re essentially saying ‘show me how to make money’ and that’s IT, I won’t.

I’m planning a reunion after 10 years with the guys I did my gap year with. Yesterday one of them asked me what I did for work these days and I told him I’ve been running my own business for the past 18 months or so. He asked how it all started and to be honest, I had to say it started seven years ago as a blogger when I was willing to write words which I wasn’t sure anyone would read.

Because it’s not about anything other than following that Holy Spirit nudge and getting to work. It’s about the work you’d do even if you weren’t being paid for it. It’s about the stuff which comes naturally to you even though it leaves everyone else a little confused.

Don’t get me wrong, there ARE a number of opportunities out there for people who don’t have an idea, don’t have this ‘divine call’ around their business and simply want some more freedom and flexibility. 

But they’re businesses which begin with strategy as opposed to soul’s call.

I for one know that I’m here to follow soul’s call over strategy and if you know the same can be said for you, then there is SO much I want to say. Because you’re the sort of person I CAN help. 

The person who lies awake at night, dreaming about what might be and planning her business idea out, step by step.

The person who doubts whether or not anyone is actually going to listen and finds herself not speaking up about her ideas, even at the perfect opportunity.

The person who has a fire burning on the inside of her about what she wants to bring to the world and yet has zero idea where to start even if she were ready.

All of that is solveable. Easily, actually. Because you’re starting with heart. You’re starting with art.

THAT is where success happens, where the people who have been WAITING for your work start lining up to hear what you have to share.

Because you know that there are people waiting, right? That there are people who are scrolling their newsfeeds, their Instagram squares feeling HIGHLY uninspired because YOU haven’t shown them that you’ve got what they’re waiting for yet.

You know the gift you have is there to be given?

You wouldn’t turn up to a child’s birthday party, laden with presents for the birthday girl, only to hold onto them and leave with them still in your hands. 


Perhaps, actually, giving isn’t your problem though. You do a lot of that, right? You give of your time and your talent totally FREE a lot of the time, because that’s the right thing to do, or so you’ve been told.

Except, you’re also pretty sure you want to build a BUSINESS. Which means freebies alone aren’t going to cut it.

And although you know that deep down, when you see the slimy sales tactics that take over your social media accounts daily, you’re not even sure you want to be a part of it.

So you take your gifts, you take what you have to offer, and you back into hiding because ‘perhaps you’re just not cut out for this after all’. Right?


“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

I want to support you in sharing your work with the world and I want you to start today.

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HEY! I’m Naomi, Business Coach for High-Level Female Entrepreneurs & Founder of Living Word League. 

I coach, write, teach and run programs which infuse practical strategies with Biblical principles (which I personally think is the best rule of thumb for success.) I moved from a 7-year High School teaching career, to building and scaling my business after starting out as a hobby-status blogger in 2011. Within months, I was able to go totally full time and haven't looked back. My success, as someone who previously would have never seen myself as an entrepreneur means that I'm now beyond passionate about business being an expression of Kingdom-building here on earth. Hobby status and inconsistent feast to famine months aren't cutting it for you anymore right? You're meant for a business which has faith as your foundation AND soars with success. That's where I come in.

Click HERE to learn more about working with me.

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