That time I wrote a book which got rejected...
Your eyes are transfixed on the (metaphorical) prize and you're ecstatic about the opportunity which awaits. This has been a long time coming and now that you're within reaching distance it's like you can almost taste it.
But then something unexpected happens. The goal posts are moved and you're forced to reconsider your options. Except for you, there was no option b. It was only ever meant to be option a...
If you're anything like me, I'm sure you've faced times where God has closed a door on something or somewhere you've been desperate to walk into.
Perhaps that might have even happened recently and if so, I'd love to encourage you today.
As most of you will know. before I hired my first coach and decided to make a go of things with my own business, I was a blogger and vlogger. I'd been one for over 5 years before I took the leap into coaching. Before that giant leap, I made another one, one I've not really told you about before.
You see at the start of 2016 I wrote a book, a book of devotionals featuring life lessons from the people we read of in the Bible. It was well received by friends and family and people really felt as though the content was something which should be shared on a wider scale.
Interestingly, I'd recently been given the details of a publisher who might be willing to look over my work and so with some consideration and prayer, I sent the book off. 'What have I got to lose?' I asked myself. The book was already written after all. I didn't hear anything for a while, and then I got this...
As you'll see by the date, that was one year ago almost to the day and it only JUST flashed across my mind that this even happened yesterday. I'll share why in a second.
The truth is, when I received this email, I was pretty knocked back. Not that I immediately expected some huge publishing deal necessarily, but there was just that pang. Do you know the one?
The thought that you might not ever get your work out there in the world.
The thought that maybe you don't have what it takes.
The thought that it might just be best to give up.
All of those thoughts from a few short lines from someone I'd never met before.
I was determined not to give up on the work I was called to share with the world and so shortly after this email was sent, rather than sulk and moan and complain, I took action and hired my first ever Business Coach.
She allowed me to see that even if traditional publishers had said no, that didn't mean my work couldn't be put out there in the world. Of course, most of us know things like that, right? But sometimes it takes someone else to remind us.
So we worked on a plan and I self-published my book! Even more exciting, people started buying it and sharing how it had been a blessing to them.
God had closed one door, only to open another.
Speaking of another, shortly after the first book, a second followed! Not only were people buying the books, content from it was featured on national radio!
As my business expanded into coaching and courses, I was able to offer my e-books as prizes in some of my online challenges and also as bonuses for some of my private coaching clients.
Clients like the wonderful Sandra, who sent me this amazing message yesterday which reminded me of the email I'd once received about the same book.
"I am really enjoying your Feast e-book and I love the way you set it out - the whole thing is really great - it should be published and sold in the Christian bookshops."
You see, lovely, when God is involved, no 'no' is final unless it's HIS.
Because now I get to share my work in a way which feels good to me. I get to do what I like with it. There are no boundaries.
Who knows, maybe Feast will be in bookshops one day. But, for now I'm trusting that God knows what's best and that as long I'm trusting His leading and guidance, I'll be more than okay.
And if you're choosing to do the same, so will you!
Oh and by the way... If you wanted FEAST for free, you could totally get it! Work with me 1:1 and you'll get that, plus all of my other courses, training and e-books as a complimentary bonus. Speaking of bonuses, there's now SIX of them included when you work with me 1:1 - check out the program today and if you're ready to take the leap, book a call and let's talk about it!