Feel Like Ground Hog Day?
You went back, didn’t you? You PROMISED yourself that once you’d done dinner you would officially be DONE for the day with work. That you’d be shutting down the laptop and pouring yourself a glass of wine and doing NOTHING except maybe a cuddle or two with hubby. But then the ad popped up, didn’t it? If you’re being really honest, it was the fourth free Facebook ad you signed up for TODAY…
But this one was going to be THE ONE. It was going to be the one freebie which would ACTUALLY take you from winging it and stressing out about ‘how to grow your audience’ to an email list of adoring fans overnight. And it was happening live 9pm your time. So despite the fact that hubby was looking forward to some quality time (finally), you decided to take the wine to go (again) and went BACK to the laptop.
And you shouldn’t have bothered. The webinar was all stuff you’ve heard before and to be honest it just left you feeling even more frustrated because you KNOW this stuff. I mean, you DO this stuff. But your #laptoplifestyle is looking like staring at it nonstop waiting for the sale notification to come through while HERS looks like cocktails by the beach.
Something isn’t adding up here…
And to add insult to injury, you keep seeing this RANDOM woman in your news feed popping up talking about journaling and ‘mindset’ as though THAT is going to be what finally allows you to live a life on your terms whilst being the successful leader you’ve been called to be in your sphere of influence.
You pause.
“Really?” “Journaling?” You think back to your 14-year-old self who used to write in diaries about your high school crush with a sparkly pen.
The only thing you’re meant to be CRUSHING right now is your INCOME AND IMPACT though, right? And so how in the world is journaling and mindset work meant to help?
You keep scrolling. The wine is almost finished now, along with your will to live.
Another ad pops up –‘$10k in 10 days.’ You click without question. Like you always do for ads like that.
And yet, you’re STILL in the same place you were the last time you clicked one of those ads right?… But THIS ONE is the one. You’re sure of it.
Isn’t this starting to feel a bit like Groundhog Day?
Look, I get it. You can’t understand the whole mindset and Biblical growth thing leading to actual tangible results and for one reason or another; you’re not willing to try either.
But SOMETHING isn’t working and you’re pretty sure that if you sign up to another freebie full of false promises, you’ll break down.
I’ve spent $5k and counting on mindset work and I KNOW first-hand that it’s the difference between leading your life like you’re eating out at a Michelin star restaurant verses Monday’s left overs (it’s Wednesday). I mean sure, without it you’re still gonna eat. But really?
Me telling you all of this MIGHT be enough for you to believe me, take the leap and join my mindset program Chosen. But you still might just be thinking about the sparkly pen and how you haven’t got time for this ‘woo woo’ stuff.
Well, before you head back to freebie hunting, I wanted to let you know I’ve just put my money where my mouth is (I REALLY believe in this work) and so for the next 24 hours ONLY you get access to Chosen for just £7/$10!!!
Yep, when you sign up TODAY, you can select a one time only payment of £7/$10 which will give you access to:
- Chosen introductory module inclusive of workbook and audio training.
- LIVE introductory and pre-work group live stream training (happening tomorrow!) where we’ll be diving DEEP into uncovering the barriers which are currently preventing you from walking in your worth.
- Access to the private Facebook sisterhood for 48 hours where you can ask questions & share your wins.
- NO obligation to stay after Friday and no need to cancel any ‘pending payments’ (you’ll be making a one-time payment only.)
Of course, I WILL be offering you the opportunity to sign up for Chosen in full on Friday because I know how much you’ll already be benefitting from the shifts over our 48 hours together. But if you choose not to keep going – no problem! You’ll no longer have access to the sisterhood and the future content but you’ll continue to have access to the introductory materials should you ever want to re-visit them.
And that’s it!
If you've read about the program and now you’re ready to book your test drive click HERE.
If you want to learn more about the program first, click HERE.
Giving yourself the gift of mindset work is literally like you going from seeing everything in black and white to seeing it all in full colour (and HD!)
The world is waiting for your work.
HEY! I’m Naomi, Business Coach for High-Level Female Entrepreneurs & Founder of Living Word League.
I coach, write, teach and run programs which infuse practical strategies with Biblical principles (which I personally think is the best rule of thumb for success.) I moved from a 7-year High School teaching career, to building and scaling my business after starting out as a hobby-status blogger in 2011. Within months, I was able to go totally full time and haven't looked back. My success, as someone who previously would have never seen myself as an entrepreneur means that I'm now beyond passionate about business being an expression of Kingdom-building here on earth. Hobby status and inconsistent feast to famine months aren't cutting it for you anymore right? You're meant for a business which has faith as your foundation AND soars with success. That's where I come in.
Click HERE to learn more about working with me.