Morning Routines

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I'm just jumping in with a short thought this morning about...  ☕️ MORNING ROUTINES 🌞

Last week, I was a bit out of sync with my morning routine due to randomly picking up some kind of cold...🙄

But that whole sentence is almost as boring as all of the GDPR emails which flooded your inbox last week, right? (Sorry, I know I added to that whole situation... but what can you do, hey?!) 😴

What’s not so boring though is starting your day RIGHT so you’re set up for whatever comes your way. 🙋🏽♀️

There was a time when the words ‘morning’ and ‘routine’ together literally made NO sense in my world. The morning actually looked like the snooze button, a lukewarm cup of coffee, & running out of the door. 

Thankfully, after committing to take better care of ME so that I can take better care of the people I’m here to live alongside & serve, my morning’s get to look a little different...

1. Prayer & Bible reading - I’m going through the Bible in a year again, this time using the ‘Read Scripture’ app. I highly recommend it!

2. Pilates - I’ve been LOVING doing regular at home Pilates workouts & especially love 'Boho Beautiful's' YouTube Pilates classes. If exercise isn’t really your jam (it’s not mine) but you know you need it & want to like it, start with Pilates. 💪🏽

3. Silence - This has been a game changer. This form of meditation calms my mind, gives me peace, helps me focus, & so much more. I literally use the timer app on my phone, set it for 10 minutes & then just sit there on my mat allowing myself NOT to rush. Sometimes I add another 10 minutes if I’m not quite ready to come back to land...🧘🏽♀️

4. Journaling - Even if it’s just 10 minutes, I try to free journal whatever’s come up for me during my morning in my reading/prayer/meditation + just whatever I’m feeling. It can sometimes just be good to get it out & it can sometimes spark a brand new idea for a blog post, a program or whatever. I could do a whole post about journaling on its own... But seriously. It’s changed my whole world. 📓

5. Fluids - all of this partnered with some water, a cup of tea (GUYS, I haven’t had one single cup of coffee for like 6 weeks now!) & maybe a smoothie if I’m feeling like one & BOOM... most important hour of the day is done. 🙌🏽

Do YOU have a morning routine? What do you do? Comment below and let me know. I'd love to know what we're all up to as we wake up and face the day all over the world!


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HEY! I’m Naomi, Business Coach for High-Level Female Entrepreneurs & Founder of Living Word League. 

I coach, write, teach and run programs which infuse practical strategies with Biblical principles (which I personally think is the best rule of thumb for success.) I moved from a 7-year High School teaching career, to building and scaling my business after starting out as a hobby-status blogger in 2011. Within months, I was able to go totally full time and haven't looked back. My success, as someone who previously would have never seen myself as an entrepreneur means that I'm now beyond passionate about business being an expression of Kingdom-building here on earth. Hobby status and inconsistent feast to famine months aren't cutting it for you anymore right? You're meant for a business which has faith as your foundation AND soars with success. That's where I come in.

Click HERE to learn more about working with me.

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