Business OVERHAUL... For real.
You know that sometimes, the provocation of the enemy is just confirmation about the fact that what you’re stepping into is something pretty big for the Kingdom and something through which, God will be glorified. Let’s try to see spiritual attack through THAT lens as opposed to one of distraction…
You see, after a countdown from 7-1 all of last week - yesterday, I finally opened the doors to something new. (More on that in a minute)
I was nervous and excited all at the same time … I jumped on live at the planned time (okay, okay I was three minutes late…) only to have my laptop TOTALLY RESTART about 2 minutes in and then completely freeze (that freeze thing has NEVER happened before by the way) and THEN tried to go live TWICE on my iPhone and that didn’t work either… So back to the laptop I went…. Nope. Which meant I gave the phone a final chance and lo and behold, 20 minutes late and my FIFTH attempt – success!
But that’s only the start of the story to be honest. It’s actually a story which started almost 3 years ago now.
And although the rest is still unwritten, I’m excited to share some of it today. For the full 50 minute breakdown (plus excitement from the group of INCREDIBLE women who stuck with me even when the 8465 glitches took place) you’ll have to watch the live stream, but here are the headlines…
Before my husband and I moved across London, we were praying and discerning what God had for us. During that time (around December 2014) I had this nudge from the Holy Spirit to read the book of Ezra. Now, although I’ve gone through the Bible in a year a few times now, I couldn’t really recall much of what Ezra was about. When I learned that he was a ‘fruitful scribe’ and a man dedicated and set on standing for and proclaiming the Word – restoring its value and place of importance in a nation – I was pretty impressed.
I was STUNNED, however, when God started telling me that He had an ‘Ezra type call’ on my life. I’ve never told people that before and I don’t take it lightly. I even asked James yesterday whether or not I should even say it…
Because the thing about calling is that is has a LOT to do with discernment (‘Am I just WANTING this to be true?’ ‘Have there been signs of this being the case before?’ ‘Do others see this is me?’)etc…
But if discernment hits and you feel pretty confident it’s the Lord, you’ve gotta walk it out.
(These are those emails I spoke about in yesterday's live stream.)
And so despite not fully knowing what an ‘Ezra type calling’ would look like and feeling pretty overwhelmed even at the THOUGHT of it, I did what was in front of me to do. Which, at the time was running an intern programme at my church. Teaching and releasing leaders to serve the church and the community. It didn’t quite go as planned and so whilst working part-time for my church doing other jobs, I started building my business…
Now to learn more about the middle bit, you’ll have to watch the live stream. But fast-forward 18 months and God starts reminding me of the Ezra thing again.
I started reminding Him that EVERYTHING I do in my business is supported with scripture – even the strategy stuff! But no, He was calling me deeper, as He has a habit of doing, so it appears.
“Come back to the MAIN thing.”
I interject here to ask you what that is for you… What’s your MAIN thing? Everyone has stuff they ‘could’ do, right? Even stuff they ARE doing. But that stuff isn’t meant to be a distraction from what your main thing is. No matter how obscure it may sound.
For me, that main thing is the Word of God.
It’s like coming back to base for me. Before strategies and systems and all the things, I’m passionate about imparting the truth of God’s Word to anyone who will listen because I’m convinced it transforms lives. Seriously, watch the live stream and you’ll see what I mean!
And so with excitement and nerves and uncertainty about where God’s taking me with this, I’m DELIGHTED to present to you…
Eeeeeek! It’s arrived and people have already signed up less than 24 hours since launching. So excited to share this with you!
To learn more about Living Word League, just click below:
P.S. Here's the livestream I've been talking about! if you want the full story of want to know more, you've gotta click below! Don't forget to check out Living Word League!
HEY! I’m Naomi, Business Coach for High-Level Female Entrepreneurs & Founder of Living Word League.
I coach, write, teach and run programs which infuse practical strategies with Biblical principles (which I personally think is the best rule of thumb for success.) I moved from a 7-year High School teaching career, to building and scaling my business after starting out as a hobby-status blogger in 2011. Within months, I was able to go totally full time and haven't looked back. My success, as someone who previously would have never seen myself as an entrepreneur means that I'm now beyond passionate about business being an expression of Kingdom-building here on earth. Hobby status and inconsistent feast to famine months aren't cutting it for you anymore right? You're meant for a business which has faith as your foundation AND soars with success. That's where I come in.
Click HERE to learn more about working with me.