Melissa's Story


From in-person events to online offerings & beyond!



Melissa Gross, Teacher & Speaker

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Ready to mobilise your business dreams, lovely?

P.S. The answer is YES! You've got this.

Join Clarity Class 2.0 TODAY and be mobilised for kingdom business. 

  • 9 LIVE lessons at the start of each week with a slot for Q & A & laser focused coaching.

  • Recordings of each lesson for you to continually refer back to.

  • An implementation week and a live event throughout the 3 months to give you maximum support in getting the work DONE.

  • Private powerhouse Facebook sisterhood where you’ll get to share your work throughout the week which I’ll give feedback on, not to mention the incredible support of your classmates!

  • 2 'in house' guest experts to support you throughout the program!