Biblical Teaching
This page is host to the recordings of previous Biblical teaching and any supporting workbooks/worksheets you might need which accompany the studies.
March 2019 Teaching
Worthy of the Promise
Questions for this teaching:
1. Are you overlooking what God has already promised?
2. Which circumstances are you deeming too big to make you worthy of what God has already said?
3. What are the 'howevers' or 'buts' you're putting in place of the promise?
4. What are you doing in order to quieten the confusion/noise around your calling in order to remember who you are?
5. Where are you still playing small? Is this causing others to believe the same of you?
December 2018 Teaching
Anointed and Appointed
Liberated Biblical Teaching and Reflection One: Prompts
1. What would it take for me to TRULY step into what I’m calling myself right now? Or what my title suggests I am? What’s it going to take for me to step into my next level?
2. What practices do you have in place (and how can you typically ‘tell’ – e.g. peace, accountability, confirmation in the Word etc) that you’re walking in step with the Holy Spirit in your business?
3. What sort of ‘baggage’ and things you’re ‘wearing’ in your business which no longer fit you, do you need to ‘shrug off’ and leave behind in your business?
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