Today, in my e-devotional, I look at the story of Joshua and Caleb. Their story is found in the book of Numbers. This verse documents the voices of those who, unlike Joshua and Caleb, looked at their opposition more than their #God. Can we relate? T…

Today, in my e-devotional, I look at the story of Joshua and Caleb. Their story is found in the book of Numbers. This verse documents the voices of those who, unlike Joshua and Caleb, looked at their opposition more than their #God. Can we relate? Their perspective of themselves then enforced the view that their opponents took of them! If you walk into a #battle looking, feeling, acting and behaving like the underdog before it’s even begun- what sort of impression are you giving off? YOU HAVE THE #VICTORY IN #CHRIST! Sign up for #FREE Biblical reflection- link in bio!! #Jesus #Bible #BibleStudy #1authenticheart