“Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God." (Psalm 31:5)
I have been saved by God’s redeeming and unchanging grace. He has called me His own and I am forever changed. Committing my spirit, my life and my everything to Him is nothing. It’s the very least I can do as He’s purchased my life with His blood. When we see examples of surrender in people past, they appear to have followed the example of Jesus. We must do the same.
In the Psalm above, David recognises that it is GOD who has rescued and redeemed him. Here, David echoes the words Jesus cried out to His father on the Cross (Luke 23:46- ”Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last.“)
The word ‘spirit’ here in the Greek is 'pneuma’. This word has many meanings, some of which are: 'breath’, 'the rational spirit by which someone feels, thinks and decides’, 'the soul’, 'personality and character’. Pneuma is definitely something very personal. Jesus was committing His very being to the will of His Father, and in the Psalm, David, a mere man was willing to do the same. Committing Himself entirely into the hands of God knowing that God’s will is better than his.
In obedience to the Father, Jesus committed His life into His Father’s hands. Following that obedience we are to do the same. Die to self.