For years I have taught the truths of God’s word in the hopes that I would equip people to live out their very best lives according to the purposes God has for them.

Way before it was a business and way before I taught others how to do the same and to be honest, even way before being a blogger was the ‘done’ thing, I’ve been called to share in this way. There were certainly times where I didn’t understand why. I mean, it almost seems ridiculous to keep writing, creating content and speaking truth even if you’re pretty certain no one is paying attention, right?

But we’re not called to obedience on the condition that we understand why we’re being called.

We’re just called to obedience. No ifs and no buts.

Stop trying to rationalise that huge vision you have for your life – the one you’re pretty sure God gave you.

I’ve recently realised that rationalisation can manifest itself in a number of different ways…

It can take the more common road of allowing us to talk ourselves out of what we’ve been called to do and shrinking back into ‘maybe one day’ thoughts.

But I’ve noticed another way it can rear its ugly head. And I for one am here to shed some LIGHT on that so that you can recognise once and for all that the parts you think you need to hide, the goals you feel are unrealistic and the things you want to create but don’t feel like anyone will want are ABSOLUTELY what you need to bring to the surface.

In the online space, you begin to notice trends, patterns and ‘industry standards’, which make us feel that if you’re not following some kind of set of unspoken rules, you’re probably not going to succeed.

And so you show up in the online space, shiny and new with your fresh ideas and ways in which your message is going to transform the people who need to hear it and then the fear sets in…

The fear that you’re not going to succeed by putting things out in the way you wanted to.

The fear that you’ve been over ambitious and spent too long in your head or in your journal and that there’s no way that what you believed might be possible actually is.

The fear that if you don’t look, talk and act like everyone else in your industry, you’re somehow not as good as them.

As if the call of GOD on your life is boxed in by some kind of industry standard?

Now don’t get me wrong. I did the exact. same. thing. (insert eye roll emoji!)

I came onto the coaching scene in September 2016 with a desire to share courses and books which had the same purpose as the blog I told you about at the start of this message. I didn’t jump in calling myself a Business Coach – I didn’t have a business yet.

And yet slowly but surely (and actually very quickly) me showing up like this led people to ask if I DID offer coaching… and that’s when it began! Even then I didn’t call myself a Business Coach though. At the time I called myself a ‘Clarity and Copy’ Coach because helping people get unstuck + words were my jam.


The fact I’ve been online for 7 years and actually like all of the tech stuff (funnels, websites etc.) meant that I was naturally coaching women in ALL AREAS of their online business hence feeling that calling myself a Business Coach was okay after all.

But honestly, even a more broad term like ‘Business Coach’ doesn’t actually explain my whole vision – it just seemed to be what you SHOULD term yourself if you’re supporting someone in building their online business.

Except… THERE IS NO SHOULD as I tell my clients over and over again. So what was I thinking?!

Well I practice what I preach and so in honour of the WHOLE call on my life, 2018 is the year I’m balancing teaching Bible AND business whether or not that’s the ‘done thing’ or not. (You get to decide what your ‘done thing’ is, by the way. Nobody else.)

And with that, I am DELIGHTED to announce the opening of not one, not two but THREE opportunities which encapsulate both of these areas (either individually or together if that’s what you’d prefer.)

What’s more, to CELEBRATE this new season, I’m offering a FLASH SALE on all of it.

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This week I received these wonderful words from one of my incredible 1:1 clients.

And for a split second, that fear came in… You see, my 1:1 clients see huge shifts in their lives and businesses when we work together and towards the end of 2017, I was getting ready to up my 1:1 rates ready for the New Year.

And that’s when this nagging feeling started to hit me, as did the reminder of the prophetic word I received from my friend about enlarging my capacity to serve more people. And it just became too loud to ignore.

Rather than me upping my 1:1 rates (which of course, I would do if it ever opened again) I was actually being called to CLOSE IT altogether. Which is pretty scary – especially when you get impromptu testimonials like these and know that your coaching makes a difference.

But God.

And so here we are – at the start of a brand new year and the start of a brand new season in my business which I’m devoting entirely to my LIVE group coaching and mastermind experience ‘Building Beyond The Building’ alongside my other epic programs PLUS bi-monthly live workshops!

It’s going to be amazing.

If you love Jesus but when it comes to OWNING the truth He wants to speak into and over your life, you're ready to step into it a little more, I’ve got programs and workshops for you.

If you’re building/scaling (or want to build) your business and are getting tired of trying to fling things together and wing it, I’ve got something for you too.

And if they BOTH sound like you – you’re in for a treat!

Click the button below and learn more about these new ways to work with me for 2018. I am SO excited to connect with more of you!

The world is waiting for your work.

P.S. Whether the boost you’re currently in need of is regarding Bible or Business, I’ve got something for you (and for EVERY budget) with these new ways to work with me. If that wasn’t already good enough, there’s a flash sale on EVERYTHING which closes Sunday 7th January at midnight (Pacific). Click HERE to learn more.

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HEY! I’m Naomi, Business Coach for High-Level Female Entrepreneurs & Founder of Living Word League. 

I coach, write, teach and run programs which infuse practical strategies with Biblical principles (which I personally think is the best rule of thumb for success.) I moved from a 7-year High School teaching career, to building and scaling my business after starting out as a hobby-status blogger in 2011. Within months, I was able to go totally full time and haven't looked back. My success, as someone who previously would have never seen myself as an entrepreneur means that I'm now beyond passionate about business being an expression of Kingdom-building here on earth. Hobby status and inconsistent feast to famine months aren't cutting it for you anymore right? You're meant for a business which has faith as your foundation AND soars with success. That's where I come in.

Click HERE to learn more about working with me.

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