I love Psalm 131 and was reminded of it again yesterday. I decided to put this little picture together as a reflection of how the Psalm makes me feel… I took this photo this summer while I sipped a glass of Prosecco with my husband in the sun…

I love Psalm 131 and was reminded of it again yesterday. I decided to put this little picture together as a reflection of how the Psalm makes me feel… I took this photo this summer while I sipped a glass of Prosecco with my husband in the sunshine on a rooftop terrace. Sounds wonderful, right? It was… It was peace, fun, laughter and love. A carefree, spontaneous sunny afternoon. Often though, life is of course, not this picture perfect. Sometimes life is hard and confusing and hurtful and difficult. And that’s where the beauty of Psalm 131 comes in. When we don’t know what to do, we fix our eyes on the One who does. The imagery in the Psalm is beautiful. Imagine a screaming baby whose sobs are only silenced in the comforting arms of its mother. And God’s arms are everlasting. So rather than screaming and crying in our pain and confusion, we can lean on His mighty arms and know His peace. I quieten my soul and trust…