Proverbs 31 Woman Reflection

Today as we conclude our current series of guest posts from Christian Female Entrepreneurs based all over the world, I'm delighted to introduce you to, LaWanda Tillett from The USA...

LaWanda Tillett is the owner of Little Black Dress Event Planning and Concierge Services, LLC. After doing planning administratively for over 14 years, she decided to create her company in February of 2014. It is the mission of Little Black Dress Event Planning and Concierge Services to create an event or design space that best represents the client and takes it from paper to reality. 

Over the past few weeks during 'Manna Monday' on The Sheerah Network with Naomi, we've had a chance to really study Proverbs 31: 10-31. Now I will admit, I have in the past read this familiar passage of scripture and stated, “I am a Proverbs 31 Woman!” (Especially the part about rubies!) Well, how many times (be honest with yourself) have you said something similar about yourself, but a) wasn’t 100% convinced it was true; b) said it because it seemed like a catchy thing to say or; c) truly came to understand and appreciate what it meant and was really living the words? Transparent moment, I said it because it was catchy, I was a wife and mother and quite honestly, didn’t want to appear to be otherwise. As an entrepreneur, I was told that you can’t have it all. I believed that lie, too!

What I came to realize through this study was that the Proverbs 31 woman did have it all! Imagine that! It all had to do with her perspective and how she managed the day. She was a woman first, daughter of the Most-High, a wife, a mother, and an entrepreneur. Proverbs 31 re-defines us as women and who God has said we are in him and because of him instead of the lies that society has stated or projected us to be.  I found that the more I set my focus on God and began to see myself the way he saw me, it made prioritizing my day much easier. 

Getting up earlier in the morning (before the sun comes up) was not my favorite thing to do. My bed always wrapped its arms around me and held me close and only wanted to let me go when the sun began to rise. That whole notion of rising early to start the day was out of the window. What I didn’t realize was that I tossed out valuable hours with it too.

Now, I start my days in the dark hour of morning, spending time in his word, seeking his face first because I can’t do life without him. I give myself more time in the mornings so that I’m not rushed and I can enjoy my “me time.” It helps to frame my mind so I can then be mom, employee, entrepreneur, sister, daughter, etc. It has become a conscious thing that I do and it helps me maximize my day. By valuing myself and my time, I don’t allow others to attempt to rob me of the very thing we can’t get a refund back - time. Being a Proverbs 31 woman doesn’t mean that we’re perfect. It means that in the gifts and talents that God has given us, we will use all that is put forth to our hand to do the best for our family and ourselves by honoring God. Giving him 1st priority in our lives will allow for everything else to fall in order.

Today, I can say with my whole heart, that I am working daily to be the Proverbs 31 woman that God has said that I am and not the world. He has taken my failures and used them as stepping stones to make me better.

"Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." (Proverbs 31:31) 

To find out more about LaWanda and Little Black Dress Events, find her here on Facebook.

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