#8 A Little bit of 'R & R'...
“But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.”
(Revelation 2:4)
Although I love writing, the common theme of this blog appears to only be putting fingers to keys during a new season in my life, almost like a diary entry. This was unintentional and is also set to change, but this silence piercing post, will yet again, mirror most of the entries that have come before it by almost marking a new chapter for me.
I’ve just left my job at Oasis Academy Shirley Park after over 3 and a half years there, and two weeks today, I will be moving onto pastures new. Still teaching drama, only a lot nearer home! Anyone that read my ‘Sent’ post will know that over seven months ago, I moved to Finsbury Park to be part of a team of volunteers serving a community in partnership with the local church. I settled into Finsbury Park really quickly, getting stuck into the youth work, making amazing new friends and even falling in love!- God is truly good and I know His hand was on my move. So much so that amidst the myriad of blessings He’d already bestowed on me, He also got me this new job. So, gone will be the commutes of over an hour on 3 modes of public transport. This new teaching post is only for a year, and so after that, who knows!
I now have two weeks. Two weeks of transition. I’m determined to make these two weeks fruitful. Not in terms of running around like a headless chicken, but with regard to my relationship with the Lord. Last week I decided that week one of the Easter holidays would focus on 'romance’. Sitting at Jesus’ feet and just delighting in my 'first love’. Not because of the things He’s given me, but because He is the Lord and Saviour of my life. We see in scripture that Jesus clearly longs for us to have this attitude before moving out onto the 'battlefield’. In the story of Mary and Martha(see Luke 10:38-42), Jesus openly commends Martha for choosing “the good portion”. “but one thing is necessary, Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42) Martha 'busied’ herself with much serving and rushing around- something she thought to be good. However, the Word actually says she was 'distracted’ by this serving (see verse 40- ESV.) For me, this seven months has definitely seen it’s fair share of me being distracted. By serving, by travelling, by friendships, by wining and dining…the list is endless and not actually problematic as you can see! However, I intend to use this first week as an opportunity to come back to Jesus’ feet and remain there. I want to love Him above all else again. I want to know His love for me above all else again. So that’s week one= Romance.
Week two’s 'R’ is 'readiness’. I want to walk into my new job at St Mary Magdalene Academy knowing that it’s where God’s set my feet. Feeling confident that, although I’m in a completely new environment, He has got me. I know that to feel that and walk in that, I’ll need to remember the 'romance’ from week one in that He’ll never leave nor forsake me, but also, I’ll need to get prepared! Practically- looking over my lessons, planning where necessary and not feeling daunted, but also spiritually- putting on the full armour of God and adopting Daniel’s 'spirit of excellence’!
Now, this is all very easy to write, but will take a lot more discipline to act on and so therefore, I intend to write a short post everyday this fortnight focusing on something I’ve read, thought about, or even some poetry relating to that week’s 'R’. I understand that, it may not make for mind-blowing reading, and actually, my posts might not even get read, but I also know that if I say I’m going to do something like this, it will encourage me to be disciplined with actually doing it rather than just having it as a good intention. Who knows, God might use my musings on romance and readiness to edify or encourage someone. I’m just praying that at the end of these two weeks, I feel rested in Him, enamoured by His love and ready for whatever He wants to bring my way!