Hey, I’m Naomi and I first entered the online space in 2011 as a blogger and in 2013 I moved into vlogging and built my first website. Even back then, the heart behind it all has always been the same – Equipping you with REAL truth for REAL life and ensuring that, as Christians, we’re LIVING as salt and light and not just reading about what that would look like. Because let’s face it, if you’re reading this, I’m pretty sure you recognise that playing it small and shrinking back just isn’t going to cut it anymore.
I’ve shared my work online for years. But as a full time High School Teacher, I didn’t have the energy, motivation or time to commit to making something out of my then hobby.
God had other ideas when, after a seven year teaching career, I was laid off due to staffing restructures. My pride and ego were hurt, but my heart was secretly full! ‘Would this mean I wasn’t just destined for hobby status after all?’ I pondered...
It was around that time when my husband and I moved to the other side of London. He started in his role as Community Minister and I was thankfully offered a part-time role at the church too. I’d never worked part-time in my life and so the extra hours enabled me the space I’d needed to take my ‘online presence’ a bit more seriously. Because in truth, I still didn’t really know what ‘it’ was.
That all changed when I hit 30 and shortly afterwards, hired my first ever coach to help me snap out of my pointless procrastination and half-hearted hobby status. It was a huge risk to use money we didn’t have to do something I’d never done before. But my lack of purpose despite such an inner sense I was made for more was causing my mind and emotions to sink lower and lower day by day. I’m a Teacher by trade and have pioneered a number of women’s and youth ministries over the years but yet I couldn’t seem to hold MYSELF accountable to the things I said I wanted. Isn’t that always the way?
Well, I figured it was time to practice what I preached and so, with accountability and action steps on my side, I officially went into business in October 2016 with the selling of my first ever e-book which had previously just been collecting dust on my laptop, shortly followed by the launch of my first ever e-course in December 2016.
The success of the e-course (which was filled with over 30 women from all over the world – The U.S.A, Canada, Australia and here in England) and the questions I started getting asked about whether I was available to work with women one on one birthed something in me which was a perfect culmination of my professional life & qualification as a Teacher, my heart to serve, care for and equip as a mentor & pioneer with 10+ years on ministry experience alongside my years of experience in the online space. My Business Coaching services for Christian women were born.
Since then, I’ve coached women one on one, launched a number of successful group programs and courses and I’m now bringing everything together in this monthly membership community.
I do this because it’s my turn to give back. Because if you and I were sitting down for coffee or a glass of wine together right now I wouldn’t want to leave until I’d helped you realise the more you were made for and mobilised you with a plan to walk it out.
you and your business have so, so much more to give.
The world is waiting for your work.
So, what’s it going to be?