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A christ-centered community containing coaching, co-working and curriculum for purpose-driven women who are building their businesses and building the kingdom.

If your work is your calling and not just a ‘job’, then it’s SPIRITUAL. There’s no way you can live it out to the full by ONLY implementing practical strategy. Spiritual works means spiritual practice. It’s time to build your business in the way it was always meant to be built…

Welcome to The Sheerah Society

“His daughter was Sheerah, who built both Lower and Upper Beth-horon, and Uzzen-sheerah.” (1 Chronicles 7:24)

Have you ever even heard of this city-building Wonder Woman before?

Sheerah is a kind of hero of mine and she’s the reason for The Sheerah Society. Your work and business are her legacy - modern day city builders, if you will.

If you’re a Christian woman who knows (or wants to know) why you running your business, building your blog, your podcast, or your Etsy store is crucial to the kingdom of God, please do yourself a favour and keep reading.


Work MATTERS to God.

And no, I’m not simply talking about the work done overseas by missionaries, nor do I mean just the work done by the pastor or the church staff team.

YOUR work matters.

Your work is an important expression of the Kingdom of God.

Creator God who flung the stars into space and breathed life into dust and dry bones isn’t the sort of God who doesn’t do things totally deliberately. And so the nudge and pull you feel to run a business using the very gifts, skills and talents He’s blessed your hands with is intentional. God’s given you that.

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Having Naomi as my coach has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. She is an answer to prayer. I have been working with her for several months and have made incredible and powerful shifts in my life and my business. I have gone from frustrated, feeling invisible and getting ready to shut the doors on 5 years in business, to getting visible, running ads, and signing clients. Her gentle pushes to dive deeper in things that have been holding me back has allowed me to truly break free to lead the business that I am called to lead. I am grateful, and full of joy at a level I never thought was possible. Thank you Naomi!
— Jen Wyatt - Productivity Coach

I would have never believed I could work part time for my full time wage until I started working with Naomi. Shifting my mindset to believe was a huge hurdle that she made me jump over, and I’m still running at full pace! When I started, I didn’t even have a business and now I have a waiting list without even having a website yet! Naomi has opened my eyes to so many possibilities, I have no doubt this work has delivered a permanent lifestyle shift.”
— Carla Berlin - Private Tutor
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Signing up to work with Naomi was one of the best investments I’ve made for my business (and I’ve made a LOT). Immediately it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders... I didn’t have to struggle in my business alone anymore! Naomi took the overwhelm I was feeling, helped me identify the struggle areas I was unable to see myself, and helped me create a game plan accompanied by loads of support. In less than a month I was able to go from burnt out and stalled in my business to selling programs that really lit me up on automate... and I even made sales while on a beach vacation! I ended up extending my time with Naomi again and again because I have gained so much from out time together. She is great at what she does AND she supports and encourages your desire to work the way the Lord is leading - which was a HUGE plus for me. If you’re on the fence about investing... just do it already!!!
— Sandra Houseman - Website Designer


Just £7.50/$9 for your first month (Half Price!)

(and then £15/$19 per month thereafter)


It’s time to carry your God-given calling with courage, confidence and conviction.


What’s this all about?

The Sheerah Society is an exclusive members only community created for faith first female Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Creatives and Business Owners.

💭 It’s space to dream AND to do as you receive carefully created and selected curriculum (video, written and audio) directly into your membership area every single week.

🗣️ It’s an area to connect with like-minded women in your private Facebook group.

🙋 It’s where you can get weekly hot-seat coaching via live stream Q & A with Naomi.

✝️ It’s an opportunity to collectively dive deep into the Biblical principles and practical strategies of business through regular prompts, trainings and discussion questions shared in our private member’s group.

👩🏽‍💻 It’s an opportunity to get a focused slot of work done towards your goals every week within our private co-working virtual meeting room.

And all of this is just £15($19) a month

Just £7.50/$9 for your first month (Half Price!)

(No minimum commitment - cancel anytime)

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Trust me, I get it…

You want to build, scale and grow a successful business using your God-given gifts, skills and talents and so you’ve been around in this online space for a while, checking out a variety of coaches and courses. You may have invested big time in your business in that way already.

But you’re also a bit frustrated.

I mean, you love this whole online business world. But if one more person mentions ‘manifesting’ or ‘the universe’, you might just throw your laptop out of the window, right?

I created The Sheerah Society for you. Because you’ve got a city-building legacy to live out, but you don’t want to compromise on who and Whose you are to see it come to fruition.

So what if I told you that you didn’t have to?

What if being a member of The Sheerah Society meant that you could have total trust in the content you were being taught as well as the community you were a part of? That is what we’re all about here.


We have some serious work to do…

Although this is a space for Christians, it’s important to understand what The Sheerah Society is NOT.

We’re not here for Bible studies with no backbone, we’re here to change the world.

This means that yes, we’ll be encouraging and supportive and yes, we’ll be opening up scripture together… But we’ll also be setting and sharing goals and holding one another accountable to seeing them reached.

And so if you were here for a pat on the back or for being let off of doing the work when things get hard, please think again. Your excuses aren’t cutting it anymore.

Your dreams are important.

Your work is important.

Your impact is needed.


Just £7.50/$9 for your first month (Half Price!)

(and then £15/$19 per month thereafter)


And who am I?


Hey, I’m Naomi and I first entered the online space in 2011 as a blogger and in 2013 I moved into vlogging and built my first website. Even back then, the heart behind it all has always been the same – Equipping you with REAL truth for REAL life and ensuring that, as Christians, we’re LIVING as salt and light and not just reading about what that would look like. Because let’s face it, if you’re reading this, I’m pretty sure you recognise that playing it small and shrinking back just isn’t going to cut it anymore.

I’ve shared my work online for years. But as a full time High School Teacher, I didn’t have the energy, motivation or time to commit to making something out of my then hobby.

God had other ideas when, after a seven year teaching career, I was laid off due to staffing restructures. My pride and ego were hurt, but my heart was secretly full! ‘Would this mean I wasn’t just destined for hobby status after all?’ I pondered...

It was around that time when my husband and I moved to the other side of London. He started in his role as Community Minister and I was thankfully offered a part-time role at the church too. I’d never worked part-time in my life and so the extra hours enabled me the space I’d needed to take my ‘online presence’ a bit more seriously. Because in truth, I still didn’t really know what ‘it’ was.

That all changed when I hit 30 and shortly afterwards, hired my first ever coach to help me snap out of my pointless procrastination and half-hearted hobby status. It was a huge risk to use money we didn’t have to do something I’d never done before. But my lack of purpose despite such an inner sense I was made for more was causing my mind and emotions to sink lower and lower day by day. I’m a Teacher by trade and have pioneered a number of women’s and youth ministries over the years but yet I couldn’t seem to hold MYSELF accountable to the things I said I wanted. Isn’t that always the way?

Well, I figured it was time to practice what I preached and so, with accountability and action steps on my side, I officially went into business in October 2016 with the selling of my first ever e-book which had previously just been collecting dust on my laptop, shortly followed by the launch of my first ever e-course in December 2016.

The success of the e-course (which was filled with over 30 women from all over the world – The U.S.A, Canada, Australia and here in England) and the questions I started getting asked about whether I was available to work with women one on one birthed something in me which was a perfect culmination of my professional life & qualification as a Teacher, my heart to serve, care for and equip as a mentor & pioneer with 10+ years on ministry experience alongside my years of experience in the online space. My Business Coaching services for Christian women were born.

Since then, I’ve coached women one on one, launched a number of successful group programs and courses and I’m now bringing everything together in this monthly membership community.

I do this because it’s my turn to give back. Because if you and I were sitting down for coffee or a glass of wine together right now I wouldn’t want to leave until I’d helped you realise the more you were made for and mobilised you with a plan to walk it out.

you and your business have so, so much more to give.

The world is waiting for your work.

So, what’s it going to be?


Here’s just a sample of some of the courses and trainings you’ll be getting, which make up your curriculum:

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Clarity Class

The nuts and bolts of online business strategy & beyond. 9 in-depth modules to support you in BUILDING your business.

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21 days to address the calling on your life so that you finally own who and Whose you are and live it out in fullness.

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Our flagship program, rooting your practical business strategies with Biblical principles.

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Building Beyond The Building

Six key components in SCALING a successful, Biblical business. 20+ workbooks & 6 powerful video trainings previously all hosted in a 6-month private mastermind.

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Leading Lady

3 weeks of ‘centre stage’ shifts in mindset, messaging and mission so that you truly show up as the carrier of your God-given calling powerfully, both inside and out.

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Stop Stalling Bootcamp

Four hours of training AND implementation for the woman who is...

🚀 READY TO LAUNCH 🚀 her first or next program/product/service and wants to do it ASAP.

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Sales Success

Share your services and make consistent sales without the struggle.


Just £7.50/$9 for your first month (Half Price!)

(and then £15/$19 per month thereafter)

(No minimum commitment - cancel anytime)

Here’s exactly what you’re getting when you join The Sheerah Society…

  • Exclusive access to my library of programmes and courses which cover the following areas: Scripture, Success Mindset, Sales, Strategy & Systems. (One training will be dripped into your members area every single week.)

  • Enrollment into a private Facebook group where you can network and share with like-minded women & get direct regular access to Naomi.

  • Weekly virtual co-working where members will have the opportunity to log into a private online meeting room, share their goals for the co-working slot, and then work alongside your sheerah sisters, which will increase your productivity no end.

  • A live Q & A coaching live stream with Naomi each week so that you can get your burning biz questions answered.

  • A members only opportunity to work with Naomi 1:1 during a month you might need extra support (read more about this below).

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Join The Sheerah Society today!


Just £7.50/$9 for your first month (Half Price!)

(and then £15/$19 per month thereafter)


A final note for those of you who want more ‘up close and personal’ business support. I’ve got you too…

For WAY more reasons than I can count, this whole idea of individualised support was what I’d felt I needed for the longest time in my business. I’m pretty introverted and so the idea of sharing stuff on a call with others to see/hear wasn’t what I felt I wanted. Not only that, I had some REAL scarcity mindset issues a few years back and had this weird belief that if I shared my heart/work/ideas, I would be copied.

The TRUTH though, is that joining masterminds and memberships has been GAMECHANGING for my business.

Sharing ideas, expertise and a mixture of opinions is, in my view, a huge asset to anyone’s business building journey and that’s why I’ve had some form of membership community for years now. I’m convinced we’re better together.

But I get it. Sometimes you just need to go back to back with someone who’s ‘been there and done that’, right?

Whether it’s an upcoming launch you’ve got going on, or a mindset mess you can’t seem to get yourself out of, speaking to your Coach directly for a season of time is needed here and there. And that’s why I’m offering a zero commitment one to one coaching offer with my Sheerah Society members.

Work with me for a DAILY for 4 weeks for just £397/$495

What this means is that when you become a member and head to the pinned post in our private Facebook group, you’ll find an option available at the start of each month to head to a PayPal link and make the 1:1 coaching investment.

Following your investment, I’ll send you a series of questions before our coaching gets started, and then every week day for 4 weeks, I’ll be coaching you at least every 24 hours on a one to one basis via a free app called Voxer. This means no forgetting what you were going to ask during one hour long call, instead, ask in REAL TIME and get an answer back when you need it.

If one month of 1:1 is all you need before you head back into the regular Society track, all good. if you need a few months, just keep going! It really is as simple as that, and it’s the ONLY 1:1 style coaching I’m currently offering.

Let’s do this!


you ready?

The Sheerah Society
