Welcome to Awaken
The training videos and work below are designed to be gone through daily (it takes 21 days to form a habit!) and so while you have lifetime access to this program and can re-visit the content as many times as you like, try to go through it the first time over 21 consecutive days. This is the way the program was designed and the way I went on the journey with the women who went through the live round.
Make sure you have a journal handy as you go through this program. Every day you'll have questions which you need to answer, and ideas which you need to implement. Hold yourself accountable to doing the work - it'll be so, so worth it.
And here is the juicy mindset bonus you've just snagged yourself!
It's truly Time to make some shifts, lovely. Enjoy Awaken!
How are you taking a 'front row seat' in your life?
Q1. Where, in the past 8 months have you taken 'front row' decisions with regards to your calling?
A) Where have you been confident enough to own your decisions?
B) Where have you let others dictate your actions?
Q2. Where do you need to change your daily actions in order to contribute to your bigger goals in taking a 'front row' seat & leading yourself prior to leading others?
Write out your 'ideal day'
You can do this either in bullet point form or you could write it out as diary entry as though you've just woken up on that day.
What daily actions do you take? What does your schedule look like? How much time do you spend on work and how much time do you spend on leisure?
Go back over your ideal day and your self-leadership piece
Q1. Where have you allowed victim mentality to take over?
Q2. What can you do to change this TODAY?
1. List a recent 'win'
2. List what actions you took which you can attribute to that win.
3. List what about your your win which lines up with the actions you've listed in your ideal day.
4. List what about what you did to achieve your win doesn't line up with your ideal day and you wouldn't want to do again.
5. List your other wins and make similar conclusions.
6. List what your ideal next win would look like for you and what about your previous wins you'll learn from (and implement) and what you'll choose to let go of.
Write out your purpose-driven vision - your WHY
What's getting you doing this work against all odds? Your WHY is what makes you showing up and doing the work a total non-negotiable.
1. 'Work is...' (write out 10 answers and don't give it much thought. What comes up?)
2. What is your 'daily mission' as in - what is the work you must be doing DAILY in order to fulfil your purpose-driven vision/your WHY?
Every seventh day is an opportunity for you to reflect on the week you've just had and set some intentions for the week ahead. Be sure to write out at least three weekly intentions for your week ahead...
Write out a list of 10 daily affirmations
Begin these affirmations stating 'I Believe' or 'I decree and declare' - whatever feels most comfortable to you.
Take 10 minutes today to be in complete silence
Write out anything which comes up as you make the space for stillness and quiet. Try and find a way to incorporate silence daily.
Write out one specific things which you know you are currently resisting
Pray about this...
Write out what you're going to do to reject this resistance and then DO IT!
Write out your 'self-care strategy'
What will self care look like for you
a) Daily?
b) Weekly?
c) Monthly?
1. What are the areas in which you still have doubt around the call on your life?
2. What are ways in which the call on your life has been affirmed by circumstances or results?
3. What are ways in which the call on your life has been affirmed by people?
4. What are ways in which the call on your life has been affirmed by God?
Write out a diary entry of the person who is ready to work with you/buy your products/receive your services etc....
What are they thinking/feeling at that threshold moment?
How will you serve to meet those pain points with the work you're putting out there?
Every seventh day is an opportunity for you to reflect on the week you've just had and set some intentions for the week ahead. Be sure to write out at least three weekly intentions for your week ahead...
Write out a diary entry imagining it's six months from today's date
What does your life look like today?
Take one action in the next 48 hours which is clearly outside of your comfort zone
This can be either with the content you share or the way you show up.
Write out the statement 'Money is' with 10 follow up statements...
Be honest and say what you truly think.
Write a reflection on your beliefs around making money from your ministry/business/work....
Write out how the limiting beliefs you've had around money have effected you going after the call on your life thus far (investments, asking for the sale etc.)
What are you going to do to change this cycle and break this pattern moving forward?
Identify and explore your 'zone of genius'.
What is it? And what actions do you need to be taking to live it out?
Done is better than perfect! So what 'imperfect action' are you going to take this week? When contemplating it, if you still feel hesitant, as yourself:
1. What's the worst that can happen?
2. If not now, then when?! Why am I waiting?
1. Write out the wins you've experienced over the past 20 days from a position of gratitude ("I am thankful for...")
2. With the things you didn't get around to etc, rather than seeing them as failures, think about what you can learn from them. Write it down!