Back Yourself (My husband & Marie Forleo)

So decide. Decide that you’re going to be the person you know you truly are underneath all of the layers. Decide that you’ve got what it takes, because you do.

But then act on it. After the decision comes the aligned action and the inability to accept ‘plan b’ as an option.

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Naomi AidooComment
Remember how far you've come (An open letter)

Last time I checked, you KNEW that nothing worth actually having ever came without a cost. And so yes, sometimes there will be late nights and frustration. There will be fear and doubt and uncertainty. But that’s simply the moment you exercise those faith muscles and realise that you’re not going down without a fight.

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Naomi AidooComment
3 ways to reject resistance

Write that down, stick it on your mirror, your fridge, your forehead – basically wherever you need to put it in order to recognise how REAL resistance is and how important it is that you do everything you can in order to overcome it.

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Naomi AidooComment
Are you judging yourself?

This message is for me as much as it is for you. I had to get my heart out on paper as I often do. But I figured you might find it helpful too if you’ve been waiting for permission to be everything you’re meant to be.

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Naomi AidooComment